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Discover ABL Group at WindEnergy Hamburg 2024

ABL Group companies ABL – the energy and marine consultants, OWC – the renewable energy consultants, and Longitude Engineering – the engineering consultants, will be exhibiting at this year’s WindEnergy Hamburg 2024 – the world’s largest exhibition and congress in the wind industry, taking place in Hamburg.

With Germany’s ambition to reach 70GW of offshore wind energy by 2040, WindEnergy Hamburg provides the forum for participants to exchange ideas, network and explore opportunities.

When: 24 – 27 September 2024

Where: Hall B2, Stand 422, WindEnergy Hamburg, Germany

Who will be there:

Contact us in advance to book a meeting on-stand.

Why you should visit our stand?

Meet our team to discuss about the current market developments and our experience along with:

  • Our local capabilities combining ABL’s marine legacy, excellence and track record in Transportation & Installation (T&I) with OWC’s multi-disciplined in-house engineering expertise for offshore wind making ABL Group the leading energy and marine consultancy of choice – driving wind farm projects from concept through to construction and operations
  • ABL’s global leading marine warranty survey (MWS) services for offshore wind farm projects
  • Our Owner’s Engineering solutions for fixed and floating wind and independent engineering
  • Combined with Longitude Engineering’s vessel design expertise for offshore wind T&I and O&M activities

Join our group companies on stand

ABL – The marine and energy consultants, delivering offshore wind projects safely and efficiently through expert marine advisory, and market-leading marine warranty survey (MWS) for transportation & installation (T&I) and operations & maintenance (O&M).

OWC –  The offshore wind consultants, specialising in owner’s engineering, project development service, technical due diligence, geotech and geophysical for offshore wind farms

Longitude Engineering – The engineering consultants specialising in vessel design, marine operations engineering and advanced analysis and simulation

Contact with us for more details about our stand and to book a meeting with a member of our team.