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ADLER Solar opens a PV Training Center with a reference plant in Yokohama

Today, ADLER Solar are opening their new PV Training Center and an associated PV reference plant with a formal ceremony in Yokohama, Japan. Last year, this leading full service provider for the solar industry was awarded a contract by the dena (Deutsche Energie-Agentur – German Energy Agency) to install a PV plant as part of a PV Training Center in Japan within the scope of the dena Renewable Energy Solutions Programme.

Bremen/ Yokohama, 30 May 2016 – The goal of the new PV Training Center is to pass on the many years of experience and expertise “made in Germany” to the Japanese market. At the same time, the ADLER Solar Works joint venture founded last year with the Japanese general contractor Yokohama Kankyo Design (YKD) in Yokohama is further establishing itself on the target market of Japan.

Targeted training of customers, employees, and partner companies
The training center enables ADLER Solar to provide training and further education for existing and new employees of ADLER Solar Works in the best possible way. Thanks to precisely developed training modules, the high service quality and competence of the ADLER Solar Works partner companies is also being ensured. What is more, customers are given an opportunity to become acquainted with the service portfolio of ADLER Solar Works on site.

The PV plant installed especially for training purposes guarantees an extremely practical knowledge transfer and – in conjunction with the teaching of the relevant theoretical content – makes the high quality and sustainable development of the measure possible. The plant was completed together with select technology partners and has various module technologies as well as a scientific weather station and an extended monitoring system. Within the scope of the training center, existing services for the Japanese market are also to be optimised or even redeveloped.

“We are pleased to be allowed to contribute our industry competence and many years of expertise to such an exciting project with such renowned partners. The experience we have gained on the German and European market is being incorporated here at a 1:1 ratio, and this means that we can transfer best practice methods to Japan,” says Gerhard Cunze, Managing Director of ADLER Solar.

This project is part of the worldwide dena Renewable Energy Solutions Programme coordinated by Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency – and co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) within the German Energy Solutions Initiative.

For further information, please visit: www.adlersolarworks.co.jp/dena

Technology Partners:

Technology Partners


About ADLER Solar
ADLER Solar is the leading full service provider for the solar industry. We offer an extensive spectrum of technical services for the entire life cycle of a photovoltaic power plant. As independent PV experts with headquarters in Bremen and a branch in Anzing near Munich, as well as an office in London, we support manufacturers, operators, installers, technical advisors, insurance companies and banks with our expertise “Made in Germany”. Our service portfolio includes after-sales services, survey reports, technical due diligence, planning, recalls, fault diagnosis and analysis, claim management, procurement of spare parts and O&M support. ADLER Solar employs 120 members of staff in Germany, Europe and Japan. Since 2015, ADLER Solar has been operating in Japan as part of a joint venture with YKD, ADLER Solar Works. In the same year, the Norwegian company Aqualis ASA and ADLER Solar Services GmbH entered into a strategic partnership. www.adlersolar.de

Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena)
The Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency – is Germany’s centre of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and intelligent energy systems. dena’s aim is to ensure that energy is used in both a national and international context as efficiently, safely and economically as possible with the least possible impact on climate. dena is working with stakeholders from the worlds of politics and business and from society at large to achieve this aim. Shareholders in dena are the Federal Republic of Germany, KfW Bankengruppe, Allianz SE, Deutsche Bank AG and DZ BANK AG. www.dena.de/en

German Energy Solutions Initiative
The transfer of energy expertise, the promotion of foreign trade and the facilitation of international development cooperation are part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative, which is coordinated and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. The initiative offers networking and business opportunities in Germany and abroad, it showcases reference projects and facilitates capacity building. www.german-energy-solutions.de/en

dena Renewable Energy Solutions Programme (dena RES Programme)
The dena RES Programme was developed by the Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency. This programme, co-financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the German Energy Solutions Initiative, supports renewable energy companies entering new markets. Within the framework of the programme reference and demonstration projects are installed nearby designated institutions in different countries around the world. The installation is accompanied by comprehensive marketing and training programmes. These projects impressively present high-quality renewable energy technology. www.german-energy-solutions.de/en/res

For further information, please contact:
Claas Rohmeyer
E: rohmeyer@adlersolar.de
T: +49 (0)421 – 83 57 01 00

ADLER Solar Services GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 1-3
28219 Bremen