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ABL Group Announces 2024-2025 Shadow Board Intake Following Successful Inaugural Year

ABL Group is pleased to announce the selection of its 2024-2025 Shadow Board cohort, following the tremendous success of its inaugural under-30s Shadow Board programme launched in 2023. The Shadow Board initiative continues to foster young talent and bring fresh perspectives to the company’s strategic decision-making processes.

The 2023- 2024 Shadow Board has concluded its 18-month tenure with impressive achievements and significant personal growth for its members. 

Shadow Board 2023 – 2024

Notable accomplishments include:

  • Initiating and implementing a “One Company Culture” project, helping to structure ABL Group’s values and purpose and hosting a series of ‘culture’ focus groups to collect key data for future plans.
  • Deriving an internal process for succession planning that can be implemented, maintained and measured for success across the Group.
  • Assessing the current Business Development practices across the Group and providing recommendations and conclusions on how to uniformise the approach, including Zoho use and best practices.
  • Presenting a comprehensive business plan on geothermal energy and how we can start tapping into this market based on our existing capabilities.

Individual members have reported substantial benefits from their participation, including deeper insights into company operations, application of best practices across different regions, improved strategic understanding of the company’s growth targets, broader knowledge of various business aspects beyond technical roles, and significant personal growth in confidence and communication skills.

Reuben Segal, CEO of ABL Group, expressed his gratitude to the outgoing Shadow Board:

“I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our inaugural Shadow Board for their exceptional contributions over the past 18 months. Their fresh perspectives and innovative ideas have had a tangible impact on our organisation.

As we welcome the 2024 members, I am truly excited to hear their new ideas and see how they will help shape the future of ABL Group. The Shadow Board programme has proven to be an invaluable asset in nurturing our young talent and driving our company forward.”

Kate Kotiou, Head of Learning & Development, commented:

“The success of our inaugural Shadow Board has exceeded our expectations.

We’ve seen these young professionals grow tremendously, contributing valuable insights to our strategic initiatives while developing crucial leadership skills.”

To ensure continuity and support for the incoming cohort, Ana Isabel Pirrone from the 2023 group will stay on in an advisory role. The new Shadow Board will have the opportunity to identify areas they want to focus on, with guidance from their predecessors.

ABL Group remains committed to nurturing young talent and incorporating diverse perspectives into its leadership. The company looks forward to the fresh ideas and energy that the 2024 – 2025 Shadow Board will bring to the table! 

More details about our new Shadow Board members will be made available shortly.

Introducing our 2024 ABL Group Shadow Board members:

  • Abbie Shorrock – Graduate Mechanical Engineer – ABL, Stavanger – Norway
  • Calum Murdoch – Naval Architect, London
  • Ella Kopalek – Market Analyst Junior Consultant, New York
  • Finlay Macdonald – Engineer in Training (EDP), London Currently, Brighton and South Africa from September.
  • Joseph Mullan – Graduate Engineer – Longitude/ABL, Exeter (present – September), London (September 2024-September 2025)
  • Laura Suarez – Engineer – Innosea, Nantes, France
  • Long Van Phan – Junior Engineer – OWC, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Lydia McKey – Graduate Onshore Engineer, London
  • Olamide Shittu – Graduate Engineer – Renewables, Brighton
  • Paloma Medina – Senior Naval Architect, London and Madrid
  • Pedro Pereira – Senior Hydrogen and Offshore Systems Engineer, -Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil
  • Ross Holland – Graduate Geospatial Analyst – OWC, Taipei, Taiwan

ABL Group’s Shadow Board is a leadership development programme introduced in 2022, designed to embed future leaders at the top strategic level, allowing for new perspectives and insights from these voices to push ambitions further and faster towards successful careers in management.