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Marine Loss Management Services
With our maritime legacy dating back more than 150 years to always seek the truth in everything that we do to support a safer marine environment across energy and oceans, ABL Group is a long-standing trusted provider of loss management services, often the first port of call when a marine loss has occurred, no matter where in the world, what time, or the complexity. Our loss management expertise covers marine casualty management, marine casualty investigation, loss adjusting and expert witness support in marine claims, disputes and litigation.
ABL Group’s technical expertise is invaluable in resolving disputes and minimising claims, and we are at hand to act as expert witness if the need arises, with a wide team of industry-recognised experts in a number of specialised areas of the maritime and energy market.
Through our global network of offices we are able to provide rapid emergency response 24/7 to provide loss management services anywhere in the world.
We have been at the forefront of the marine casualty market throughout our history, attending at some of the world’s most serious and largest marine casualties. At its core, our work is to provide independent and expert support to minimise the loss to the underwriters, the assureds, and other assured parties.
Main areas of our involvement include:
- total loss
- salvage and wreck removal
- collisions
- marine
- pollution
- cargo damage
- hull and machinery damage
- fixed object damage
- unsafe berths and ports
- slow steaming
- navigation
- new buildings
- conversions and vessel repair
- bunkers and oils
- oil shortage
- charter party disputes
- seaworthiness
- performance disputes
- machinery failure
- energy claims
- personal injury