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Innosea hosting 2nd Thematic Webinar for PORTOS Project

Innosea, an LOC Group company specialising in engineering for marine renewable energy projects, is hosting the second thematic seminar of the PORTOS Project on Tuesday 10th November, from 10:00 to 18:00 (CET).

PORTOS (Ports Towards Energy Self-Sufficiency) is a multinational collaborative project, with the main objective to develop and promote the implementation of renewable energy (RE) at AA (Atlantic Area) ports, aiming to effect two environmental priorities for ports:

  • Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and air pollution by providing RE-based solutions to harvest the RE potential of AA coastal areas
  • Increase the ports energy efficiency, establishing a roadmap to a more competitive and sustainable sector

As part of the project, seminars are organised twice a year to communicate on the realisation in this sector and to inform potential stakeholders.

This Webinar is hosted by INNOSEA and facilitated by the Port of Nantes – Saint-Nazaire. It will consist of a number of presentations relating to the following Keynote topics:

  1. Keynote 1. Communications from PORTOS Partners
  2. Keynote 2. Innovative Technologies development
  3. Keynote 3. Port Authorities
  4. Keynote 4. Ports Ecological Transition and Activity Diversification

Click on the links to see the agenda and the summary of presentations.

LOC Civil Engineering Consultant Wei-Yang Tan, will also be participating with J. Cândido from Wavec, discussing “Future Proofing for Greener Port Infrastructure in Portugal” as part of Keynote 4.

Register for the event below.

[button text=”Register” url=”https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/7116044262867/WN_UbBWR0SlQC2b_oixiM01pA”]