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Process Safety Audit and Improvement Roadmap for 18 North Sea Oil & Gas Assets

Project Objective: To assess the client’s current Process Safety performance, particularly relating to Hydrocarbon Releases (HCR), and develop clear Process Safety improvement recommendations in terms of improving both Process Safety culture and the effectiveness of key related processes.

Client: European Oil & Gas Operator operating within the North Sea

Asset: Offshore Oil & Gas Installations (manned & unmanned)

Location: Denmark

Duration: 6 months

Why ABL were contracted

ABL’s Asset Integrity Management (AIM) division has a proven track record of delivering Process Safety solutions globally. Our consultants can provide expertise and guidance throughout these projects, from Process Safety incident data analysis, interviews with frontline workforce and key stakeholders, to developing improvement action plans and roadmaps to achieve Process Safety excellence.

Project overview

Process Safety is a key factor in ensuring a safe working environment, our client’s highest priority.

To ensure Process Safety excellence and minimise the risk of Hydrocarbon Releases (HCRs), our client wanted to understand their current Process Safety performance, identify key areas for improvement, and capture and prioritise the associated Improvement Actions into a Process Safety roadmap

What we did

ABL conducted the Process Safety Improvement project in three phases:

1. Historic Data Analysis

  • Analysis of over 200 safety incident reports using a data model to highlight key Process Safety incident themes in the areas of People, Procedures, Plant and Tools

2. Key Stakeholder Engagement

  • A Process Safety improvement workshop was then held with key client representatives, using the findings from the incident data analysis to engage on Process Safety culture and behaviours

3. Safety & Risk Management Action Plan

  • Process Safety key findings from Phase 1 and 2 were then collated into high level improvement areas, and associated improvement actions developed
  • The improvement actions were then prioritised by the estimated Value vs Effort to identify quick wins and longer term improvement actions

Key deliverables and benefits

From our assessment, ABL identified;

  • 28 Improvement Areas – specific gaps in Process Safety performance
  • 39 Recommended Actions – key actions recommended to address the improvement areas and achieve Process Safety excellence

Following the above assessment, our client has realised the following benefits;

A quantitative understanding of historical Process Safety incidents and performance

Process Safety Management Services

Process Safety Management Services

Minimise your project’s exposure to risk with operational risk management from the experts. With decades of experience, our support is tailored to your campaign’s needs.

Process Safety Management (PSM)

Process Safety Management (PSM)

This course will give learners an overview of process safety, risks posed by process hazards and available techniques for managing risks.

Development of Performance Standards for 18 North Sea Oil & Gas Assets

Development of Performance Standards for 18 North Sea Oil & Gas Assets

Why ABL were contracted ABL are experts with a proven track record in delivering SECE Performance Standards independently or as part of our end-to-end maintenance…

To discuss your Process Safety Management requirements, fill in the form below and our team will be in touch.