Master data verification and enrichment
Project Objective: To verify the client’s current asset register, update and collect name plate data and assure drawings matched the current onsite layout by providing updated drawings where required.
Client: Power generation company
Asset: Biomass power plant (waste-to-energy)
Duration: 3 months
Why we were contracted
Following a recent purchase of the facility, the maintenance team were faced with missing, inaccurate, and incomplete data within the computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) and associated engineering drawings.
In addition to this, since the site was purchased, new equipment had been added and existing equipment had been upgraded, further triggering the need for a site verification and data collection exercise to assure the CMMS replicated the physical plant.
The client’s challenges
- Known asset register data accuracy and duplication issues
- A lack of name plate data required for ordering the correct spare parts
- Tags in the asset register were missing key attributes such as location, descriptions, and equipment types
- Resource constraints meant there was a reduced capacity to complete the verification and data collection project in-house
- Difficulties in being able to efficiently plan for their annual shutdown
- Safety and production critical equipment were incorrectly tagged, maintained, and managed, causing safety concerns
- No means to manage or maintain tags that existed in the engineering drawings when there was no record of them in the digital asset register, this included equipment such as fire water pumps, ignition burners and an emergency diesel generator
What we did
- The tags were extracted from the engineering drawings (to create a list of tags to verify on site)
- The tag list was uploaded to our asset audit and verification app, ePAV™ and data collection rule-sets were built in
- ABL’s engineers were mobilised to site to conduct the physical asset verification, collect critical data points and complete a red line markup of the engineering drawings
- The tag lists were reviewed, and a master tag list was created with their key data points included
- Edited existing drawings where required and created new drawings
- Issued a close out report, CMMS load sheets with master data set and updated/new engineering drawings
The value we delivered
- CMMS load sheets containing updated and enriched asset register
- Updated and new site drawings (P&IDs)
- Detailed close out report
- Photographs of the name plate data linked to the locations in the asset register
Project benefits
An accurate asset register
Having up to date and accurate drawings and asset register data will provide the means to manage and maintain equipment efficiently and effectively
Optimised part sourcing
Having access to accurate name plate data will enable the correct spares to be ordered in a timely manner, to avoid outage and having to pay expedited fees for last minute orders
Maintenance planning efficiencies
Accurate drawings are essential for understanding equipment isolation requirements to plan maintenance effectively
Safety assurance
Having safety critical equipment identified in the CMMS provides the means to manage and maintain them effectively to assure they perform as per their design criteria when they need to
Mitigated risk
All safety, production and environmentally critical equipment are accounted for and can be managed to reduce exposure to risk in hazardous areas
Software used
ePAV™ was used to unlock time and cost efficiencies during the asset verification and data collection process by utilising its smart auto-fill technologies, built-in rulesets, and automated data QA processes to:
- Reduce the time required to complete the PAV by 53%
- Eliminate the need for post walk-down data processing
- Eliminate human error and assure quality results