CMMS Master Data Precision and Enrichment
A safe facility is a reliable facility, and a reliable facility depends on reliable data from the CMMS
Building an accurate digital reflection of the physical plant is key to effective maintenance, integrity, and inventory management.

Why we were contracted
- Known data accuracy and duplication issues
- Tags in the asset register were missing key attributes such as location, make, model, descriptions etc
- Tags in CMMS were not assigned to drawings · Inability to demonstrate management of safety critical equipment due to missing tags in the CMMS
- Inability to assign preventative maintenance and spare parts to equipment not included in the asset register
- Lack of in-house capacity to complete the verification and enrichment project in house, in the desired timeframe
What we did:
- Performed a desktop asset verification (DAV) to link the tags to their associated drawings
- Completed a physical asset verification (PAV), where we:
- Identified and recorded over 1000 tags that were missing from the asset register (including valves, transmitters, detectors, and control valves)
- Removed over 2700 duplicate tags from the asset register due to tags existing across multiple drawing types.
- Increased the manufacturer data by 470%
- Increased the model data by 416%
- Increased the serial number data by 477%
- Improved meter site data accuracy from 43% to 100%
- Developed CMMS templates containing enriched data
- Developed an engineering report detailing data collected and changes made, with further recommendations for improvement
How we delivered
ABL travelled over 7000KM to verify and enrich data for 11,700 tags of pipeline assets using our ePAV™ software.
This software enabled ABL to:
- Save 87% on project costs for the client when compared to traditional verification and post walkdown data processing techniques
- Cut 17.5 weeks off the project timeline, without compromising quality
- Reduce the project team by 60%, having only 4 engineers complete the PAV facilitated by our ePAV™ software loaded tablets
CMMS Templates: CMMS templates containing the final, enriched asset register of 10,000 tags
P&ID Updates: Marked up P&IDs and SLDs detailing newly identified tags
Project Report: Project close out report detailing findings and improvements made
Optimisation Recommendations: Recommendations for further improvement and optimization of CMMS data
“We would like to extend our thanks to the team who have just wrapped up their field work. The work they have performed was executed in very difficult times due to COVID-19. Their professionalism has been demonstrated as they dealt with these issues every day and help to ensure that no spread of COVID occurred while they interacted with site personnel.”
Project Manager, Upstream/Midstream Oil and Gas Operator
Benefits Provided
Optimised costs
Assured that what was on site was reflected accurately in the CMMS and therefore could be managed appropriately to assure reliability and optimise costs
Mitigated risk
All safety, production and environmentally critical equipment are accounted for and can be managed to reduce exposure to risk
Optimised inventory management
The correct name plate data is now available in the CMMS for BoMs to be developed and the correct spares to be purchased to avoid wasted expenditure
Minimised downtime
Reduced equipment downtime by having access to the correct spare parts to assure procurement of the right equipment
Diminished operational impact
Assured the team remained focused on day-to-day operations and productiveness, by outsourcing to experienced specialists to diminish operational impact and production