Case Study: Deep Panuke Decommissioning
Project Summary

The Deep Panuke gas field is located c.250 miles offshore southeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia, approximately 47km west of Sable Island. The field is situated in approximately 44m of water. The Deep Panuke field ceased production in May 2018, at which point the operator begun planning facility and well decommissioning activities.
Scope of Work
AqualisBraemar LOC (‘ABL’) in Canada was appointed as Marine Warranty Surveyor (‘MWS’) for the removal and subsequent marine transportation operations of the Deep Panuke Production Field Centre (PFC). This work was carried out during 2020.
ABL also provided metocean analysis via its sister company, Longitude Engineering, to determine metocean conditions for the transportation route and temporary mooring locations.
Key Features
- ABL reviewed and approved the removal and transportation of the 20,000 T of PFC
- The scope included removal of all subsea structures
- Followed a reverse engineering approach for the removal
- ABL surveyed 10 vessels for removal and transportation operations
Unique Elements
- Deep Panuke PFC is sister platform to YME drill and production which ABL also provided MWS on, in 2017
- PFC to be recycled in Nova Scotia