Asset register and maintenance build for new waste to energy facility
Client: Energy supplier
Asset: Energy from waste facility
Project Objective: To develop a full asset register and maintenance build in the client’s CMMS and perform a criticality study to allow the new facility to efficiently begin energy production
Location: UK
Why we were contracted
ABL’s maintenance team was recently contracted by a new build waste to energy plant to develop their asset register and maintenance build.
We were selected to deliver this CMMS build because:
- A lack of in-house capability triggered the requirement for external support with this project
- Add Energy had an already established relationship in place with this client
- We had extensive experience working on similar projects
- We were familiar with the client’s CMMS system, plant layout, and equipment types

ABL completed this project in three key stages:
Desktop Asset Verification
Development of a comprehensive asset register through desktop asset verification (DAV) of the engineering drawings and documentation. Equipment types were assigned to the functional locations
Criticality Study
An equipment criticality assessment was performed and the correct criticalities were assigned to the equipment in the asset register following ISO 14224 standards
Maintenance Build
ABL’s Maintenance Strategies were used to apply maintenance to applicable equipment
What we did
Asset register
All maintainable equipment is now visible in the asset register with the right equipment type assigned. Having up to date and accurate asset register data will provide the means to manage and maintain equipment efficiently and effectively
Efficient maintenance planning
Up to 4000 equipment tags were reviewed and validated with the P&ID to ensure they were maintainable pieces of equipment. Appropriate maintenance strategies were applied with optimum frequencies to ensure maximum operating time
Cost and efficiency savings
With the appropriate maintenance assigned at the optimum frequency and priority, maintenance resources are better utilised. Accurate, standardised and consistent foundation data will enable future analysis, review and optimisation to be conducted at an efficient cost
CMMS upload templates
Asset register, including criticality assignment, and maintenance templates were delivered to the client in populated CMMS load templates. This ensured that delivery and load to clients CMMS went smoothly
Safety critical equipment is identified in the CMMS
SCE’s were classified to ensure legislative compliance and alignment to the safety case/performance standards. This also allows risks associated with failure, deterioration or incident to be managed efficiently and proactively