Webinar: December Marine Market Briefing
Registration is now open for our December Market Briefing Webinar for maritime and insurance professionals. Join our experts who will look at semi-submersible and heavy lift ships, focusing on design features, uses and risk factors.
The webinar is scheduled for Thursday 10th December at 1500hrs GMT.
A semi-submersible heavy lift vessel in operation is not a common site but these vessels carry out some of the most fascinating operations in the transport of big, heavy, and expensive cargos. The webinar will give an overview of the various types of semi-submersible float on float off “flo-flo” and lift on-lift off “Lo-Lo” heavy lift ships, and a close look at a niche market of designated yacht transport vessels.
The presentation will cover the general designs in use and the specific features they bring, and will cover some of the projects and cargoes these vessels are used for. We will look at the particular risks involved for the vessel, crew, and transported cargo and how this risk is mitigated.
Long-standing Principal Surveyor Frank Vandelft, based in the USA, will present the technical subject.
The session chairman will be John Walker, Managing Director of Marine in the USA, and the month’s casualty reports will be presented by surveyor Fena Boyle from our London office.
If you wish to attend this webinar, click here to register.