LOC Took Part in IUMI2020 Discussion on Remote Surveying
“Two of the speakers for this year’s online Offshore Energy Workshop, moderated by James McDonald, head of energy at Sompo International in London and chair of the IUMI offshore energy committee, have said that remote surveys of offshore energy installations (marine warranty surveys or MWS) had increased as a proportion of surveys undertaken as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
LOC Group Director for Energy Services, Alex Harrison, is featured in an article in Insurance Marine News, which reports on IUMI 2020‘s recent panel discussion on Remote Surveying – the potential and risks it can present, which took place as part of the conference’s Offshore Energy Workshop.
For the discussion, Alex was joined by Henrik Uth, Managing Director of the Survey Association.
Alex’s focus was to discuss whether Remote Surveying was ‘a panacea to a problem or the latest risk?’. He is quoted in the article as saying: “Current forms of remote survey cannot replicate physical attendance. They therefore come with inherent risks to their effectiveness in the prevention of potential claims”.
For the full article in Insurance Marine News, click here.
Based in LOC Australia, Alex Harrison is a naval architect and has worked with LOC since 1996, specialising in Marine Warranty Survey and marine engineering consulting to support offshore energy projects, from early engineering and planning to construction. You can read more on his profile here.