Is offshore wind energy vulnerable to climate change?

Global warming and related climate changes are an unequivocal fact of our present day. Despite current and future strategies to mitigate global warming, climate changes will have an impact on natural and human systems (including energy systems), making adaptation strategies a necessity.
Is offshore wind energy vulnerable to climate change? What adaptation measures should we take to safeguard rapidly growing offshore wind infrastructure and to ensure the technology’s ability to successfully fulfil its role of producing clean energy, whilst cutting CO2 emissions?
With these questions in mind, AqualisBraemar LOC has developed a survey supported by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), RenewableUK and WindEurope, to unlock how the renewables industry views the potential impact of climate change on offshore wind farm design, construction, and operations.
As we progress towards net zero, the offshore wind sector plays a central role in the world’s future energy mix. Therefore, the technology’s adaptability and resilience in the face of a changing climate are critical. Assessing our current state of knowledge about climate change impact on infrastructure will form the starting point for the definition of industry guidelines, public policies and research projects that will reduce climate change-induced risks and increase opportunities.
Along with GWEC, RenewableUK and WindEurope, we invite wind industry stakeholders to participate in this survey. Participation is wholly voluntary and all answers are strictly confidential.
Please get in touch with your points of contact at the above cited organizations to get access to the survey. Many thanks for your participation in this survey!
How to access the survey
If you are a stakeholder in the offshore wind industry and a member of any of the below organisations, please reach out to your relevant points of contact to access the confidential survey:
- Renewable UK
- WindEurope
- If you are not a member of the above, but would like to access the confidential survey, please contact us via the button below