INWED 2020 – Chong Hui Phong
Celebrating our female engineers
International Women in Engineering Day 2020 (INWED20) launches on the 23rd of June with the theme ‘Shape the World’. INWED, now in its seventh year, is a campaign that brings together engineers and their supporters from across the world, joining to raise awareness of the opportunities and achievements of women engineers.
At the AqualisBraemar group, which includes OWC, we wanted to take this opportunity to praise the excellent work our women engineers do across the globe and celebrate their efforts to shape our world into a better, safer, more innovative and exciting place to be.
Chong Hui Phong
Chong Hui is a Project Manager in our Singapore office, and her duties include day-to-day management of the T&I department, focus point on receiving, preparing, and submitting quotations and proposals through to award, project management, planning, progress reporting, etc.

Why did you choose engineering? Were you inspired by someone?
During my school days, I was good at Mathematics and Science. When I was a kid, my childhood days were spent at construction sites where my dad was working. This could have had some influence on my choice to study civil engineering.
What did you learn on the job that you couldn’t have learned in the classroom?
During my time with AqualisBraemar, I have had the opportunity to develop several life-improving skills, such as time management, multi-tasking and how to handle urgent requests and projects.
What is it like to be a woman in engineering? Do you feel that your gender gives you a different perspective and experience from your male counterparts? Any advantages?
As a woman engineer, you are always surrounded by groups of men. To my experience, colleagues have always been nice, helpful and considerate towards me.
How has AqualisBraemar helped you grow?
AqualisBraemar has offered me plenty of opportunities to grow and learn. I especially like that job tasks are not restricted to certain activities. Over the years, I had the opportunity to work across different departments and interact with other offices. My superiors and colleagues are all very nice people that help me a lot, so I do not feel alone or left out. Also, management is open to suggestions, and they give us space for self-development.