Exploring the role of women in Climate Action for COP 27’s Gender Day
In parallel with the negotiations talks, the COP27 Egyptian Presidency has organised a number of key thematic days at the event, featuring several panel discussions to showcase the voices of youth, women and civil society, and how climate change continues to impact them.
ABL Group has joined the Gender Day Campaign! As the organisers of COP27 state,
“The role of women in dealing with all aspects of the climate change challenge is central, crucial and indispensable. Women continue to bear a disproportionate burden from the adverse impacts of climate change, and despite some progress having been made over recent years, the gender perspective needs further work to be fully integrated into the processes of formulating and implementing policies and actions on the ground. The Gender Day aims to bring this issue to the forefront and to provide a platform to discuss existing challenges and to share success stories from around the world with a view to increasing awareness and sharing experiences and promoting gender sensitive and responsive policies, strategies and actions. The day will shed light on the woman’s role in adapting to climate change.”
Catch up with some of the women that make up ABL from across the globe, to discover their personal views on Climate Change, how it effects their work, and how we must do more…
Why is climate action important?
Our goal is a world of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. We must pull together to make a difference, the future of our planet is often caused by human activity which is threatening the way we live and behave. By addressing climate change now in unity, we can build a sustainable world to benefit all.
Lisa Carroll, Sustainability Director, London

Living in Africa, I would answer this in terms of consideration of developing countries. Developing countries are most vulnerable to climate change, as it aggravates the effects of population growth, poverty, and rapid urbanisation. Thus, action to inhibit climate change are essential in terms of socioeconomic advantage.
Anne Myers, Principal Surveyor/Country Manager, South Africa

Climate action is important to us all. It is about the future of our planet. It’s about what we leave behind us for the next generations. It’s about ensuring that our successors get to enjoy the same wonders of this planet that we did without feeling hapless about their future prospects, safety, security and living space.
Carmela Freidman, Naval Architect/Senior consultant, London

How do you see your role in climate change action/responsibility. Do you take steps – big or small – to make a difference?
My role both as an individual and country manager is to lead by example in mitigating climate change in my everyday activities. The ability to slow the progress of this change is the sum of all efforts, big and small. Personally, my focus is always to be less of a consumer, thus placing less demand on the environment at large.
Anne Myers, Principal Surveyor/Country Manager, South Africa

Energy Transition is an important focus at ABL. Does your work within the Group interact with this, and why is the transition important for climate change action?
Taking on a new role of Sustainability Director, I will have interaction across the group on our Energy Transition goals that link with the SDG goals, that we have targeted ourselves with as a business. As well as the 2050 goal, the process of shifting away from fossil fuels to renewable energy such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, hydrogen or biomass energy, is critical to limiting global warming to the 1.5°C target aspired to in the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Lisa Carroll, Sustainability Director, London

Do you think initiatives like COP’s Gender Day are important in raising gender diversity in our market sectors?
Inclusivity of workforce is essential to stimulate socioeconomic development. When an element of a workforce is excluded on bias (gender, race, religion, sexual orientation etc etc), we reduce the talent pool and in essence support stereotype thinking. Leadership studies will show that a diversified workspace, particularly in terms of gender, is a significant promoter in the performance of companies. This can be seen in the same light across academia, research etc. Accentuating the need for diversity means opening the floor to give all a voice.
Anne Myers, Principal Surveyor/Country Manager, South Africa

Absolutely – a world without bias and discrimination will make it a better place. From personal experience the market has certainly taken significant steps in rectifying the number of women in our industry, but I am aware that there is still a long way to go.
Lisa Carroll, Sustainability Director, London

Tell us about a climate change initiative that inspires you?
I am incredibly inspired by a local enterprise – Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone (SBIDZ) – in South Africa. The aim of this port development is to be the first green port in South Africa and is driven at all levels almost exclusively by women. We have opened an ABL office in the port, and from next year we hope to step more significantly towards contributing to their initiatives.
Anne Myers, Principal Surveyor/Country Manager, South Africa

Discover the full COP27 Gender Day Agenda:
Learn more about our presence at COP27 and find out about our study on ‘Decarbonisation of Tugs in Tanker Operations.‘