In Memory of Peter Holloway
With great sadness we announce that Peter Holloway, formerly the managing director of LOC in London, passed away suddenly on the weekend before Christmas. We are sure that all of his former colleagues, clients and many friends in the shipping industry join us in sending our deepest condolences to his Partner Elizabeth Usher and her son Sebastian. Details of funeral arrangements have yet to be announced, and a charity of Elizabeth’s choice will be advised.
Peter started with LOC in the Middle East in 1994, taking over the management of the region in 2000. From 2002 he led the management of London, Europe and Africa until he retired in 2015. He was highly respected by all his colleagues and led from the front with frequent attendances, being an active Special Casualty Representative. Since retiring, he continued working on various legal cases as a consultant to LOC.
An early tribute to Peter came from David Pockett, one of the four founders of LOC. We are pleased to include David’s tribute with this announcement:
I first met Peter when he came for an interview at our offices in Plaisterer’s Court well over 20 years ago. It was a most enjoyable interview and it did not take very long to decide that he would fit very nicely in the Group. He first went to the Middle East where he soon managed the Abu Dhabi office. Later, he became the overall manager of the Middle East offices and enjoyed many successes during his period in charge. His versatility was a tremendous advantage. He was a very competent rig mover, warranty surveyor, casualty responder in the widest sense as well as having a specific interest in pollution related cases where his environmental science degree stood him in good stead. Above all else, he was steadfastly loyal and would go anywhere at any time without complaint. The epitome of an emergency responder who led by example.
Peter was tremendous company socially – extremely witty and with a keen sense of humour. He had forthright views and was never backward in being forward with them! However, he was a good, solid friend and a great support throughout. His enthusiasm for Ferraris was infectious as was his wandering spirit. His stories about working in a kibbutz and being the driver on a busman’s holiday all over Europe will stay with me forever! I was always amazed at his choices for vacations – to places that most of us would shy away from. Peter however, always wanted to explore and discover somewhere new and unheard of!
His premature passing is a tragic loss to his family and also his many friends and colleagues. He will be very sadly missed. Drive on Peter and be at peace in your new resting place.
David’s words reflect the thoughts of so many of us. If others would like to provide their reminiscences of Peter or send condolences to his family, we will be pleased to pass them on.