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Aqualis ASA : Share purchase scheme for staff

20 April 2015 – Aqualis ASA is offering employees and exclusive contractors the opportunity to buy shares in Aqualis ASA through a newly established share scheme.

The share scheme allows eligible employees, and contractors who are working exclusively with Aqualis, to subscribe for an annual Restricted Share Award for a minimum price of NOK 10 000 and a maximum price of NOK 50 000 while the share scheme is in operation.

Additionally, employees of Aqualis ASA may be offered shares under a separate Performance Award. The maximum number of shares which can be offered to an employee annually under a Performance Award ranges from 500 to 10 000, depending on the employee’s job grade at the time of the offer.

All shares purchased under the share scheme are subject to a lock-up period of two years from the day the shares are transferred to the scheme participants’ VPS accounts. Under the scheme, participants will normally be offered a discount of 20 percent to the average market price. Offers under the scheme will be made once a year, ordinarily at the beginning of May; however, in 2015 offers will be made in June.

The scheme aims to recognize that the services of staff are important to the development, growth and success of both Aqualis and its customers, and ultimately contribute towards creating shareholder value.

Shares to be issued under the scheme may be made available from authorized but unissued shares, treasury shares or shares purchased by Aqualis ASA on the open market or otherwise. Implementation of the scheme is subject to approval of an increased share authorization for the scheme at the upcoming Annual General Meeting in May.